Aquarium Care

Water Parameter Requirements


  • TDS (Total Dissolved Solids): 200-300
  • gH (General Hardness): 7-12
  • kH (Carbonate Hardness):  3-5
  • pH: 7-7.6


  • TDS (Total Dissolved Solids): 90-120
  • gH (General Hardness): 4-6
  • kH (Carbonate Hardness): 0-1
  • pH: 6.4 or less

*Some species/variations require different parameters. Look for the asterisk next to their names for those atypical specimens.

My Methods and Advice

I use Reverse Osmosis Deionized (RODI) water and remineralizers in my shrimp tanks. For Neocaridina, I use Salty Shrimp GH/KH+, while for Caridina, I use Salty Shrimp GH+ paired with a buffering substrate. Although remineralizers are not always necessary for Neocaridina (as tap water can work well in many regions), it depends on your local water hardness. If your tap water is too hard, you can dilute it with RODI or distilled water to reach acceptable parameters. On the other hand, if your tap water is too soft, you can add remineralizers, adjusting the dosage to achieve the correct parameters.

Caridina shrimp require stricter water conditions, including RODI or distilled water, remineralizers, and a buffering substrate. I recommend ADA Gold Label, though it has become challenging to find lately. Brightwell’s substrate is an excellent alternative, and Fluval Stratum is a budget-friendly option, though its reviews are mixed.

It is your responsibility to ensure that your water parameters fall within the appropriate ranges I’ve provided. Neocaridina parameters have more flexibility, but Caridina parameters require deliberate setup. To clarify, if you’re unsure whether your tank meets the necessary Caridina conditions, it likely does not, as these parameters are specifically designed and maintained. I’m happy to offer guidance if needed, and there are many YouTube videos available that provide step-by-step instructions for setting up Neocaridina and Caridina tanks with visuals to help you achieve the appropriate conditions.

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